Thursday, October 15, 2009

Singles Wards

Tonight we had the fun opportunity of taking the kids up the canyon for a bonfire and hot dog roast with our singles ward. For those of you not familiar with Mormon lingo, singles wards are basically a congregation of Church going adults typically between the ages of 18-31 that all go to church together. As in, there are usually no kids attending these wards, or married people, or families. its just a bunch of single people that all have similar standards and are trying to do whats right in their lives. The LDS (Mormon) Church has these sorts of wards (congregations) in almost every state in the U.S. And speaking from experience, they are AWESOME!

Although I'm sure that there are many examples of successful couples that are complete opposites, my undergrad work was in Sociology and it was there that I became very aware that the more similar a couple is, the less problems they usually have in their marriage. Especially when hot topics such as religion comes up and ones core beliefs. So in our Church one of the reasons singles wards were created is to help young people meet and marry other young people with similar belief systems and standards. It also is a great place for single people to socialize, and make friends with other people who are experiencing similar things in their lives (School, dating, Careers, etc.)

So you are probably now wondering why in the world we are in a singles ward instead of a ward that has families if we are married with children? Well in every ward in our Church there is always a bishop (sort of like a High Priest) who is called (not paid) to serve as a leader over that ward typically for a period of 3-5 years. Well the bishop is also able to call counselors to help him, and my husband Adam was called as one about 1.5 years ago. So therefore, in an effort to support Adam in his calling the 3 boys and I go to the singles ward every Sunday and also attend many of the singles activities. Tonight being one of them.

As we sat around the fire and sang songs and caught up in life It hit me once again how very inspired these wards are. Its just awesome to me that wherever you go in the world that you can look up our church and find that same family feeling whether you are 10 miles away or 100,000 miles away. I have always loved that about our church and truly consider it a great blessing in my life. Its like you have an instant family wherever you go, and I love being surrounded by people who even though they aren't perfect, they are trying to be more like their Savior and to follow in his ways.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It Just Makes Sense....

Many times over the course of my life as I've thought about some of the Church programs or some of the "peculiar" things the LDS Church asks us as members to do, I've had the thought that "it just makes sense." One of the beliefs I hold personally is that part of my reason for being on this earth is to become the best ME I can be. And as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints are well aware, one of our core beliefs is that our purpose here on earth is to become LIKE Christ, the only perfect man to have ever walked the earth.

So with that in mind I have thought about the many programs and laws the Mormon Church has established as well as those things that other people find "peculiar" about us. (Please note that these are in no particular order).

1) The Word of Wisdom: For those of you unfamiliar with this term it basically means that Mormons don't smoke, don't drink alcohol (and other harmful teas), or take illegal drugs. The word of wisdom also cautions us to get regular exercise and to eat good wholesome foods. However, many people of other faiths don't get this. Whats wrong with one glass of wine a day? Haven't you read how it can actually help you? And besides, Jesus drank wine didn't he? Well the answer to those questions are all, well, yes. However, if everyone only did take one puff, one drink, or one injection we wouldn't have chain smokers, AA groups, or drug addicts would we? Its pretty obvious to me that a church that wanted their people to be the best they could be so that they could be more obedient to following principles taught by Jesus Christ would caution their people to never indulge in any of behaviors that could lead to harmful addictions and take away the ability to think clearly and make wise choices. It just makes sense. By over indulging in these types of behaviors individuals can not only hurt themselves, but their families as well.

2) The Law of Chastity: I think this one is by far the HARDEST for others not of our faith to understand. And frankly, I'm pretty sure its one of the hardest for those of the Mormon Faith to obey! Those hormones can be pretty strong things! :-) I mean how could we possibly NOT have sex before marriage? Its against the laws of nature isn't it? I don't think any member of our church would refute that it is DANG hard to keep this law. However, one of the greatest blessings in my life is that of my family. And you know what, I have NEVER even once had to worry that my husband whom I love dearly would be unfaithful to me. You know why? Because even though it was hard at times for us not to tear each others clothes off when we were dating, my husband and I learned to control our sexual urges. Adam was able to control himself before we were married and I'm confident that if the situation ever arose, and some other woman wanted to tear his clothes off that he would have the ability to control himself once again. It just makes sense that if your goal is to create a strong family unit, that trust and control would be of the utmost importance. I'm not saying that every member of our church is perfect and has not fallen to sexual temptations, but only that this law is there to help us control ourselves in a way that if obeyed will strengthen family relationships and create feelings of trust and confidence. Children are created when two people have sex, and I believe the Church wants those children to be born to parents who actually want them and care for them, and are committed to each other. It just makes sense.

3) Law of Tithing/Fast offering contributions: This is paying 10% of our incomes back to the Church. In addition to giving 10% we are also asked to give a generous Fast Offerings (money to help those who have less than us usually after fasting or going without food for two meals): This makes absolutely perfect sense to me. No questions asked. Here we are living in a world in which our Heavenly Father created for us, (aka everything we have he gave us) and in return he asks that we learn to be unselfish. To give of that which we have to help build up his kingdom and to help those in need. This money goes to build churches in which we can meet and better ourselves by learning about our Savior, (again helping us to become more like him) to build temples where we are able to receive additional instruction, bind ourselves as eternal families, and do ordinance work for those who are unable who also would have chosen to follow Christ had they been given the chance. We are also able to send in help (food, clothing, first aid, blankets, etc.) to other countries that have been hit by hurricanes or tornadoes or other disasters and lend a hand to those in the world who are in need. This is absolutely an incredible law to me and one where I have personally experienced many blessings. I mean how many of us would voluntarily give up that much of our incomes to help those in need? And yet anyone who has read the Bible and who believes in Christ knows that we are told countless times in the scriptures to be charitable, to give of what we have, to take care of the needy and the sick. But how many of us fail miserably in doing so? I love that the law of tithing and fast offerings helps us to do that which the Lord has asked us to love and serve one another giving of what we have. just makes sense!

I could go on and on, but I think I'll save more of my "it just makes sense" feelings for another post! In any regard, thanks for reading and please feel free to leave a comment or question!

Welcome to our Blog!

Well here I am starting out with my very first online spiritual journal! Whoa! Go me! :-) I'm not exactly sure where to start since I have so many thoughts racing through my head...BUT as is customary in my hand written journals I suppose I should introduce myself and our little family. My name is Sarah and I have been married to my very best friend and the man of my dreams for over 7 years. In those 7 years my husband Adam and I have supported each other in completing our educational goals, moved 6 or 7 times, cried and laughed, and been able to expand our family by three!! ALL boys! :-) We are very happy and feel very blessed in our lives. Not that life is always perfect, or that we have it all together, but as a wise person once said, "Together we have it all!" (Author unknown).

The purpose of this blog is for us to share some of our thoughts, feelings, and experiences we've had being members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in an effort to help others gain a sneak peak into what its like to be a Mormon and why we do the things we do. We welcome your comments and questions and will do our best to answer them in a reasonable manner. We understand that every religion has truth and goodness in it, and therefore we are not out to refute what you believe or try to sway you otherwise. We are only out to share our own experiences with Faith and possibly add to the truth you have found. Feel free to join us on this spiritual journey! We welcome you!